Monday, November 15, 2010

clustering in SQL Server

It is high avilability concept only. It does not provide any 'Fault Tolarene' (i.e, I have Data Base, in this some table is missing.. By using Clustering we cont restore that table data.)

No down time i say ( i.e 99.9999%) not 100%.

It is totally related to Windows based only. Not Sql Server related.

It is concept of providing high avilability. By using using this we can reduce down time.

After installation of Clustering the total sql server behaves like normal sqlserver. There is no change in behaviour.

Clustering supports only Server Operating Systems.

  1. Minimum Two machines(we cal this machine as NODE) with same Hardware (Same Ram, Same Hard drive, Same Processor)
  2. Same Server Operating system(win 2003server..) in each node(Machine)
  3. Active Directory in another machine(domain Controller)
  4. SAN Box(Shared Array) like External Hard Disk.
  5. 2 Network cards for each machine
  6. 6 IP's (1 for Public Cluster, 1 for Public sqlserver, 4 for Network cards)

 Quorum Drive:
All sql server installation things are stored.

1.What is Active/ Passive ?
2.Is sql server behaves different afetr we instal sql server in Cluster machine?
   Ans:  No, It behaves normal
3.How to take Offline/Online?
  Ans: Right Click on Group--> Select Offline
4.What are the issues you faced?
  Ans: The node getting down
5.What are the minimum IP's Required for Clustering?
   Ans: For Two Cluster environment we need 6 IP's
6.How to trace failOver?
7.What happend We plugged out SAN Box Cable?
8.Is it support Load balancing?
   Ans: No
9.What is the minimum storage space require for Quorum?
   Ans:500 MB
10.How much time it takes come online from Offline?
    Ans: 1 min
11.What is hart Beat?
    Ans: It is a process of authenticating both nodes it alive or not
12.What is group?
   Ans: A group is nothing but managing node resources seperatly
13.Is it posible to install Two Sql Server Instances in single Group?
   Ans:No, This feature is avilable in 2008 version
14.How to Stop and Start SQl Servr Service in Cluster Environment?
  Ans: From Cluadmin then Click on group-->Right Click on service appear in right side pannel and then  click stop/start. dont go to services.msc and stop from there.
15. how to Check Is our Machine participating in Clustering?
  Ans: Select serverproperty('IsCluster')
16.What is the Difference Between 32 bit and 64 bit?
17. How many cluster nodes are support in SQLSERVER 2005 with windows 2003 server?
 Ans:8 nodes
18. How many cluster nodes are support in SQLSERVER 2008 with windows 2008 server?
  Ans:16 nodes
19.How to Add node fro Cluster?
  Ans: Down load from the link fro etailed information... ClickHere

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